Whimsical Stories & Observations
"A's Notebook" features whimsical stories
and obervations from my journal of life! -Allison
A moment of remembrance on being cast as the adopted "nasty" Nancy Oleson on Little House on The Prairie....
"I remember my audition for the role of Nancy Oleson on Little House on The Prairie like it was yesterday. The producers were looking to hire a young actress to portray the adopted Oleson family daughter. After my reading of the scenes during the audtion, Michael Landon looked at me with a sly smile and asked me to yell the line "You hate me!" I was nervous indeed because I could only have great admiration for the man in front of me, and to yell these words to him was very strange, but Michael directed me to do so, so I did - once. Then he told me again, again, AGAIN...so, I yelled "You hate me...You hate me...YOU HATE ME!!" until Michael enthusiastically responded "that's it, you're cast"!
At that moment, the written "nasty" Nancy Oleson character
came to life." -Allison